Vergence Facility Prism (12D BO and 3D BI)

  • Vergence Facility 12D BO and 3D BI
  • Vergence Facility

Vergence Facility Prism (12D BO and 3D BI)

A good binocular screening device. Performed at a distance of 40 cm with a target of 20/30. Most normal patients can cycle between these prims 15/minute. Those with difficulty should be more thoroughly tested.

12D Base-Out and 3D Base-In.

Prism is 1.5 inches square.

Item #: G1110+


Available in below:

Vergence Facility Prism (12D BO and  3D BI)

Vergence Facility Stick Prism (12D BO and  3D BI)