
  • Yoked Rotating Prism Set for Adults - VTE
    Case with yoked rotating prisms with clips of positive and negative lenses and red-green filters to add. The clips enhances the possible use of the glasses and make their use during VT more versatile. High quality plastic prisms. The prismatic power is cut on the surface near the prism's apex together a tactile notch. Each plastic clip has a sticker that is visible from both sides, with the power of the lens and has a shape designed to make the fitting on the frame easy. The set includes: 2 empty plastic frames with nasal anatomical fit and adjustable elastic, central screw for locking and unlocking the prisms, and a pair of prisms for each power: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25 PD. Also included is: A pair of clips for each spherical power with binoncave and biconvex lenses: +.50, +1.00. +1.50, +2.00, +2.50, +3.00, -1.00, -2.00, -3.00, -4.00, -5.00, -6.00D; 1 green filter clip; and 1 red filter clip. Item #: E/RYPSETA1
  • Family Practice Projector Slide
    Designed for use in manual Chart Projectors including products from: R.H. Burton, Marco, Reichart, Topcon, and Woodlyn. Includes test for: → Tumbling E 20/400 – 20/200 (3 Lines) → Sloan Letters 20/100 – 20/10 (11 Lines) → Astigmatic Clock → Sloan Letters 20/50 – 20/10 (6 Lines) → Tumbling E 20/50 – 20/15 (5 Lines) → Allen Acuity 20/100 – 20/40 (4 Lines) Item #: VA1193
  • Loose Risley Prism 20 (Single)
    Fits into the standard 38 mm eyewall of the Bernell-O-Scope™ or and standard trial lens frame. Each prism yields 20 PD for a total of 40PD. Now you can set any amount of BI, BO, or vertical prism into the stereoscope to do training procedures. May be used for distance training by removing the cardholder. It may also be used with the new Bernell 3-D videos. Item #: ARPHH20S
  • Mini Variable Vectogram
    Improve vertical or horiontal fusional reserves. Dispense to patients wearing vertical prism or with low fusional reserves. Does not fit in Slide Illuminators. Used with the vertical mini-vecto kit (BC275MVK) and with the horizontal Mini-Vecto Kit(BC216MVK) Item #: BC29
  • Ishihara Pseudo-IsochromaticIshihara Pseudo-Isochromatic
    Ishihara Pseudo-Isochromatic Test The most widely used standard of color vision screening in a book form. Instructions Included.
  • Tumbling E Pad
    Tumbling E Pad (Pad of 100) Printed with large 20/200 E on one side and a series of five 20/20 tumbling Es on the other- calibrated to a 20ft. distance. May be used to test and train peripheral awareness.
  • Tranaglyph Variable Kit (925 Series) without BC51
    Variable Tranaglyph™ Kit (925 Series) Similar to the 920 Trainer, the 925 has an added vertical scale. Variable sliding trainer has a horizontal range of 36D, Base-In/Base-Out, and +/- 5D range at vertical.
  • Vectogram Mother Goose
    8-1/4" x 5-1/2" Polarized vectograms ensure testing and training at actual distances. Vectograms stabalize fusion and steropsis., eliminate suppression and develop simultaneous vision. Used in monocular, binocular, pursuit and saccadic training, vectograms help correct and prevent anomalies involving projection and hand-eye coordination. Ideal for use with Bernell's Dual Polachrome™ Trainer
  • Convergence A Cards
  • Physiological-Diplopia Cord TrainerPhysiological-Diplopia Cord Trainer
    Physiological-Diplopia Cord™  (Similar to Brock String) Inexpensive home use instrument for near training as well as to extend phy-dip training from near into distance. Utilizes physical diplopia for training suppression, binocularity and spatial localization. Heavy cord with colored beads. Sold by the dozen in 10' or 20' lengths. Item #: BC109+
  • Far Fixation Disparity Target
    Gem Polarized Variable Vectographic with Fixation Disparity Target → Stereopsis depth of 700 seconds of arc → Includes Fixation Disparity target with central Fusion Lock → 16 diopter range for Base-In (Divergence) Training → 24 diopter range for Base-Out (Convergence) Training → Total accommodation range of 40 diopters → New improved Vecto Guides → Now includes Therapy Binder → Now includes doctor and patient instruction manuals → Now includes Patient Vision Therapy Record Form → Includes Standard Polarized Viewers Item #: VA1060PL
  • Frisby Stereo Test
    All Frisby Stereo Test Present "real depth" objects viewed with natural vision: not testing glasses are required. Each plate has four random-patten squares, with a circle of pattern elements, lying in depth relative to its surround. The depth effect is due to the circle and its surround being printed on opposite sides of the plate. The purpose of the Frisby Screening Stereo Test - Single Plate, is to demonstrate the presence of stereopsis.