This set is the "workhorse" of therapy. Work from beginning fusion to fines detail aiming. Build stability and consistency. Build binocular alignment. This set progresses from very easy to moderate difficulty. Set of 10 cards For use with Bernell-O-Scope™
Set Includes Vertical prism bar with the following powers: 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 & 3 Horizontal prism bar with the following powers: 1, 3, 5, 10, 15 & 20 Item #: ACPS12
Basic Vertical Dr. Only Starter for any patient into fusion, anti-suppression and ranges of fusion. Set of 10 Cards For use with Bernell-O-Scope™ Item #: SMBV
Near and Far Chart Sets provides matrix for testing and accommodative vision training. Item #: BARCSET
Designed with a larger assortment of products. Utilizes the most advanced techniques in vision therapy in one complete system.
This handheld circular pupillometer device is used for measuring different size pupils. It was developed and researched by Dr. Jack Richman, O.D., as part of the Massachusetts Drug Evaluation and Classification Program (MDEP). This pupil measurement device is used by law enforcement officers across the country to assist in determining whether people are possibly impaired and/or under the influence of drugs. The reverse side has expected pupil size in different lighting conditions for non-impaired people. Item #: MDEP
New 3D Modeled Variable Tranaglyph. Comparable to the popular Quoit Vectogram.
Flipper features two sets of lenses to alternate demand. Used with Vectograms or Tranaglyphs to reverse Base-In/Base-Out demands. Item #: BC1270RGP
Red/Green Flippers Quality, four-well flipper bar features two alternating sets of red and green lenses. Reverses Base-In/Base-Out demand with each flip. Item #: BC1270RG
Bernell Red/Green Random Dot Variable Tranaglyph Square, Circle and Triangle Targets Now you can train using high levels of binocular skills. This slide can allow those with high amounts of esophoria or exophoira to experience random dot 3-D pictures for the first time. Use with our R/G flipper and get even more flexibility in training. (*Pictured with Sided Holder, not included)
Bernell Variable Prismatic Trainer™ A professional instrument for variable orthoptic training. Matched left/right card sets are placed in appropriate guides and separated or integrated with the precision thumbscrew adjustment creating either a Base-In or Base-Out demand. High impact ABS plastic in neutral gray color for minimal background awareness.
The BASS-PL series is a highly sensitive measure of the relationship between Binocular alignment (fixation disparity) and Accommodative function (clarity) during a Series (stamina) of cognitively loaded Saccadic eye movement. This series is designed to be a more dynamic measure of binocular/accommodative function during a saccadic eye movement task by involving a sequence of saccadic indentification targets at two acuity levels; 20/100 & 20/63. Complete system includes: therapy binder and pen, pair of polarized viewers, instruction manual, set of 20/100 target and vectographs and a set of 20/63 target and vectographs. Item #: BASSPL+