Vision Therapy

//Vision Therapy
  • Fusion Card - VTE
      Fusional training 4 card pairs set suitable to develop ocular coordination, by establishing a flexible interaction in accommodative-vergence system through 4 card pair level. Polycarbonate material, sliding track included. Item #: E/FC
  • Extra Aperture Rule Cards 1Extra Aperture Rule Cards
    Extra Aperture Rule™ Cards Select either Bernstein Bears for pediatric use or Sports/Action targets. Techniques and target designs are developed for children and adult motivation.
  • Tranaglyph Slide VerticalVision Training Starter System
    Provides a large selection of products useful in testing and training the most common vision training problems. Includes accommodative difficulties, poor fusional ranges, high phorias, exercises for strabismics, unresponsive & difficult to test patients. Red/Green slides or targets are used with Red/Green glasses providing Base-In, Base-Out training, Tranaglyph slides offer true space testing & training for heterophorias and low fusional ranges.
  • Vergence FacilityVergence Facility 12D BO and 3D BI
    A good binocular screening device. Performed at a distance of 40 cm with a target of 20/30. Most normal patients can cycle between these prims 15/minute. Those with difficulty should be more thoroughly tested. 12D Base-Out and 3D Base-In. Prism is 1.5 inches square. Item #: G1110+
  • Bernell Variable Prismatic Trainer
    Bernell Variable Prismatic Trainer™ A professional instrument for variable orthoptic training. Matched left/right card sets are placed in appropriate guides and separated or integrated with the precision thumbscrew adjustment creating either a Base-In or Base-Out demand. High impact ABS plastic in neutral gray color for minimal background awareness.