A good binocular screening device. Performed at a distance of 40 cm with a target of 20/30. Most normal patients can cycle between these prims 15/minute. Those with difficulty should be more thoroughly tested. 12D Base-Out and 3D Base-In. Prism is 1.5 inches square. Item #: G1110+
Set of LED pen-light: green, red, yellow. Non-glare lights, useful to perform: corneal reflex, cover test, ocular motility, fixations, diagnostic and training procedures. Sold in set of 3 Vision Light. Batteries (1.5 V) are not enclosed Item #: E/VL
Vision Training Starter Set VTE Case designed to provide a large selection of products useful in testing and training the most common vision training problems. Item #: E/VTSET
Provides a large selection of products useful in testing and training the most common vision training problems. Includes accommodative difficulties, poor fusional ranges, high phorias, exercises for strabismics, unresponsive & difficult to test patients. Red/Green slides or targets are used with Red/Green glasses providing Base-In, Base-Out training, Tranaglyph slides offer true space testing & training for heterophorias and low fusional ranges.
The world's most advanced lazy eye treatment
179 providers are using virtual reality to treat binocular vision problems Vivid Vision Clinical is the most advanced lazy eye treatment system in the world. It is designed to let your eye doctor have absolute control over your treatment. For the less complex cases, for patients who can't make it into the clinic as often as they should, or as an adjunct/follow-up treatment, there's Vivid Vision Home.