
  • 730005 The Laminated HRR (Hardy Rand and Rittler) Pseudoisochromatic Test, 4th Edition provides several very important features to provide the most advanced color vision test available: congenital and acquired testing, identification of the type of defect, and diagnosis of the extent of the defect as well as quick positive classification of normals. The HRR employs a sophisticated test strategy that virtually eliminates the potential for memorization and malingering. The figures used by the HRR Pseudoisochromatic Plates are independent of language and suitable for both adults and children.    
  • The Lang Fixation Cubes have been designed by J. Lang for the assessment of eye fixation, motility, accommodation, convergence, for cover test, and to prepare the child for testing with the Lang-Stereotest® or the Lang-Stereopad®.

    5 child-friendly objects are presented on the side and the top of the cube. Some of them are also included in the two versions of the Lang-Stereotest® and of the Lang-Stereopad®, and on the Lang Fixation stick.

    The Cube has a red handle.

    Each turn of the cube shows a new object. The star on the top side and the other objects can also be used for the test of convergence.

  • The Lang Fixation Cubes have been designed by J. Lang for the assessment of eye fixation, motility, accommodation, convergence, for cover test, and to prepare the child for testing with the Lang-Stereotest® or the Lang-Stereopad®.

    5 child-friendly objects are presented on the side and the top of the cube. Some of them are also included in the two versions of the Lang-Stereotest® and of the Lang-Stereopad®, and on the Lang Fixation stick.

    The Cube has a white handle.

    Each turn of the cube shows a new object. The star on the top side and the other objects can also be used for the test of convergence.

  • The Lang Fixation Stick has been designed by J. Lang for the assessment of eye fixation, motility, accommodation, convergence, for cover test, and to prepare the patient for testing with the Lang-Stereotest® or the Lang-Stereopad®.
  • The Lang-Stereopad® is a new device for testing global near stereopsis. It is suitable for all age groups, including preverbal children (less than 1 year). This stereo test does not require the use of special glasses because of the combination of random dots with a lenticular screen, similarly to the the Lang-Stereotests® I-R and II.
  • The Lang-Stereotest® I-R is an easy-to-use screening-test designed for early detection of problems with stereoscopic vision of children. In contrast to most stereo tests it does not require glasses, due to the combination of random dots and a lenticular screen.
  • The Lang-Stereotest® II is used to test binocular spatial vision (stereopsis) in infants, children and adults.
  • Large Kindergarten Vision Test Chart
    20/200 to 20/10 size. 22-1/2" x 11" Item #: BC1243
  • Lea Amblyopia Distance Test
    Fly Acuity Test with Lea SYMBOLS® Test designed to rapidly test for amblyopia & strabismus using gross thru fine stereopsis. (4800 to 20 sec of arc) - Graded Circle Test from 800 sec now down to 20 sec - No monoculur clues - New improved booklets - Answer Key on back cover - Includeds polarized viewers
  • Lea Grating Acuity Test
    This test can be used with infants, children and adults with low cognitive abilities when communication difficulties prohibit the use of optotype tests to measure visual acuity. This test measures an individual's ability to detect the presence of parallel lines of decreasing width to provide information about the function of some parts of visual pathways. Item #: GF1300
  • Lea Numbers 12-Line Translucent Distance Chart
    Proportionally spaced (logMAR); line sizes range from 20/100 to 20/8 (6/30 to 6/2.4) equivalent, 0.20 to 2.50. This chart can either be wall mounted or used in an ESV1200 illuminated cabinet.
  • Lea Numbers 15-Line Distance Chart
    This test is designed for vision screening at schools and assessment of vision of children with special needs beginning with age of 5 years. Proportionally spaced (logMAR); line sizes range from 20/200 to 20/8 (6/60 to 6/2.4) equivalent, 0.10 to 2.50. Has hole for hanging on the wall. 18" x 20" (45.7 cm x 50.8 cm). Folds to 18" x 10" (45.7 cm x 25.4 cm).