
  • Vectogram Quoits
    8-1/4" x 5-1/2" Polarized vectograms ensure testing and training at actual distances. vectograms stabilize fusion and stereopsis, eliminate suppression and develop simultaneous vision. Used in monocular, binocular, pursuit and saccadic training, vectograms help correct and prevent anomalies involving projection and hand-eye coordination. Ideal for use with Bernell Dual Polachrome™ Trainer
  • Vectogram Spirangle
    8-1/4" x 5-1/2" Polarized vectograms ensure testing and training at actual distances. Vectograms stabilize fusion and steropsis, eliminate supression and develop simultaneous vision. Used in monocular and binocular, pursuit and saccadic training, vectograms help correct and prevent anomalies involving projection and hand eye coordination. Ideal for use with Bernell's Dual Polachrome™ Trainer
  • Vectogram Stereo Test
    4" x 5-1/2" Polarized vectograms ensure testing and training at actual distances. Vectograms stabalize fusion and steropsis, eliminate suppression and develop simultaous vision. Used in monocular, binocular, pursuit and saccadic training, vectograms help correct and prevent anomalies involving projection and hand-eye coordination. Ideal for use with Bernell's Polachrome™ Trainer
  • Vectographic Projector Slide Adult
    Vectographic Projector Slide Adult Slide This adult projector slide test depth perception and binocularity under distance conditions. The top portion of each slide is a standard non-vectographic projector slide. The bottom portion is a vectographic slide that contains suppression control targets, a distance stereo acuity test, fixation disparity and binocular balance. These slides fit most standard A-O and Marco projectors, and are adaptable to a 10' or 20' lane. REQUIRES POLARIZING SCREEN.
  • Vector Vision Contrast Sensitivity Testing Unit with Glare Attachment
    VectorVision Contrast Sensitivity Testing Unit (Includes Testing Box and Test Chart) The VV1000 is used clinically by eye doctors in over 45 countries to evaluate cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic eye disease, contact lens performance, refractive surgery, etc. In addition, the instrument has been selected for use in numerous multi-center trials for the evaluation of contrast sensitivity, ETDRS acuity, low contrast acuity and glare sensitivity. These studies include those for PRK refractive surgery, contact lens evaluation, LASIK refractive surgery, athlete visual performance, visual impact of pharmaceutical treatments, etc. The patented CSV-1000 standardization insures that testing light levels do not vary due to changes in line voltage or due to bulb aging. No other vision testing instrument offers this standardization package. The VV1000 is the only self-standardized vision testing instrument. In each row of the device, photocell circuitry continually monitors and calibrates the instrument light level. This unique system senses both the external light striking the face of the instrument and the internal light which emanates from the miniature fluorescent bulbs. By measuring both light sources, the patented circuitry (U.S. Patent Number 5,078,486) determines the total light reflected from the instrument face and provides for a constant test luminance level of 85 cd/m2. The CSV-1000 is operated by wireless remote control so that each row of the instrument can be individually lighted for easier viewing by the patient. The VV1000 can be used with a variety of tests. The VV-1000 can easily rest on a table, hang on the wall or be used with rolling floor stand. The instrument can be easily transported from office to office or to out-of-office screening locations.
  • Vergence FacilityVergence Facility 12D BO and 3D BI
    A good binocular screening device. Performed at a distance of 40 cm with a target of 20/30. Most normal patients can cycle between these prims 15/minute. Those with difficulty should be more thoroughly tested. 12D Base-Out and 3D Base-In. Prism is 1.5 inches square. Item #: G1110+
  • Vertical Prism Bars
    A.) "COMPLETE BAR" Vertical Prism Bar: 15 Powers Includes prisms 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14,16, 18, 20, 25 & 30. B.) "BETTER BAR" Vertical Prism Bar: 10 Powers Includes prisms: 1/2, 1, 1-1/2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 & 10. C.) "GOOD BAR" Vertical Prism Bar: 6 Powers Includes prisms: 1/2, 1, 1-1/2, 2, 2-1/2, & 3. All three prism bars come with it's own individual leather sleeve case. Item #: AVB+
  • Vision Exercises Kit
    Home Vision Exercises This full-color, forty-minute videotape that was developed by Dr. Joel N. Zaba features an introduction on vision and learning. It contains fourteen vision skills exercises: vision tracking, pursuits, saccadics, eye-hand coordination in sports/play, copying/writing, directionality, visual discrimination, size/shape awareness, vision/body movements and visual memory. Item #: JZ+
  • Vision Light – VTE
    Set of LED pen-light: green, red, yellow. Non-glare lights, useful to perform: corneal reflex, cover test, ocular motility, fixations, diagnostic and training procedures. Sold in set of 3 Vision Light. Batteries (1.5 V) are not enclosed Item #: E/VL
  • Vision Training Starter Set
    Vision Training Starter Set VTE Case designed to provide a large selection of products useful in testing and training the most common vision training problems. Item #: E/VTSET
  • Tranaglyph Slide VerticalVision Training Starter System
    Provides a large selection of products useful in testing and training the most common vision training problems. Includes accommodative difficulties, poor fusional ranges, high phorias, exercises for strabismics, unresponsive & difficult to test patients. Red/Green slides or targets are used with Red/Green glasses providing Base-In, Base-Out training, Tranaglyph slides offer true space testing & training for heterophorias and low fusional ranges.
  • Visormag
    The VM-14 VisorMag™ from Carson Optical is a set of clip-on, flip-up magnifying glasses that attach to the brim of most caps and hats. Perfect for fly-tying and all fly-fishing needs. Complete with protective soft-pouch, its crystal clear acrylic Lenses give you a sharp, distortion-free view that allows you to see even the finest details with ease. These Magnifying glasses are 2.25x power equivalent to +5.00 diopter. Keep these clip-on Magnifier lenses in your tackle box so you’’ always have them at the ready.” Also available 1.75x power/+3.00 diopter: VM-10 2x power/+4.00 diopter: VM-12 US Patent D553,178